Girouard = Girard/Gerard A Closer Look at Some Records by Stephen A. White; Acadian Ancestral Home On the early end, we include spouses of Acadians even if they were Amerindienne or metis. US. Duchesne = Duchaine, Duchene Duchesneau = Duchanno Lovelette = Laviolette The Mikmaqs originally covered Prince Edward Island (le Saint-Jean), most of Nova Scotia, and some of the New Brunswick Acadie area. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Steve Gilbert (Z367 subclades) Obviously, we include french people who were born in Acadie and on the later end, people who were born to parents who were married in Acadie. Hello,friends. Lucier, Lussier | Metis, Mixed: Cree, French, Martel | Metis, Algon., Chippewa, Esclave, Ojibway, Mixed, Martin | Metis, BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Six Nations, Maurice | Carrier, Metis, Mikmaq, Okana | Surname Anchor Post FEB 2023. Brooks = Rousseau Unfortunately, none of these three parishes just named, had all of its records and no registers survived at all for Cobeguit, the two churches at Pisiquit, the Rivire-aux-Canards, Chipoudy, the Pointe-de-Beausjour, Tintamarre, Chebogue, or any of the lesser missions of old Acadia. onenote change background color; rolfe reflective model 2001 reference; tommy welch chicago fire actor; meath ireland pronunciation; texas railroad commission well search by operator Rouiar = Rouillard was a Canadian First Peoples and member of the Mi'kmaq Nation. Most of the surnames are derived from the official Metis Nation of Ontario project, but I've . CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Cree, Malecite, Mikmaq, Sioux, St. Aubin | Abenaki, Amalecite / Maliseet. Demarey = Demarais Besides the families of the hereditary nobility, or the seigneurial class (dAbbadie de Saint-Castin, DAmours, Denys, Le Borgne de Blisle, LeNeuf de La Vallire, Mius dEntremont and Turgis de Saint-tienne de la Tour), who bring a certain amount of blue, even royal blood into the veins of some Acadians, there are families of the corsairs (Guyon, Maisonnat, Morpain), those of the heroes of the resistance against the British (Broussard, Maillet), as well as those of several victims of the French Revolution (Granger, Le Prince). Tereo = Theriault Eventually the name became Acadia. I assume that you know all about Mothers of Acadia project, and I hope you will give us an example citation for it. Proulx = Prue Patenaude = Patno(de) Cyndi's List - Acadian, Cajun & Creole - General Resources Nevertheless, the exceptions to this rule are perhaps more interesting than those conforming to the norm. Perro = Perr(e)ault Mi'kmaq Genealogy: Mtis:Acadian Ancestral Home. The Guillorys were Acaidian, they along with the Ringets, (Ranget), and Bertrands seem to have married alot within the three familys. Beaudoin = Boardwine Audet(te) = Odet(te) Canada First Nations FamilySearch You can search for these orange surnames in the Marriage Indexor by using the Search Box in the sidebar. Please add "Mallet, Victorin M., Ph.D., "Evidences decommunauts mtisses autour de la baie des Chaluers. For genealogical purposes the absence for the early period of the records of marriages, or marriage contracts which normally form the most reliable sources of such information, is the chief difficulty one encounters. Founding Mothers of Acadia - Acadian Ancestral Home by Lucie Consentino. Brown | Metis, BC, Chip, Cree, Mississ. Pelkey = Pelletier Mexican California | Early California History: An Overview | Articles, run by Dr Paul Maloney. Pelletier = Pelkey Meilleur = Miller/Millar Wolastoqiyik of the Saint John River drainage were called Maliseet by the Mi'kmaq. These families are of course quite important on a statistical basis. Administrators The provider's business location address is: 500 12TH ST STE 300. Foisy = Foizie Tro(t)tier=Trotchie, Trutchie, Trouchia It seems to be self-published. Larocque = Larock, LaRock Attached here is an updated listing of surname sites. [[Category:Mi'kmaq]] Revisiting Anne Marie: How an Amerindian Woman of Seventeenth-Century Nova Scotia and a Dna Match Redefine American Heritage. ''Amerindian Marriages from the Dictionnaire gnalogique des familles acadiennes''. Rocheleau = Rushlow Acadian Family Names 1700 to 1755 and Variations, Louisiana judge put the x in Cajun names, The First Bergeron d'Amboises in The Americas, French first/given names (prnoms franais), Family Names and Nicknames in Colonial Qubec, MyHeritage DNA: More than Just Family History. The sticker can be added to all descendants no matter how far down. Gisele, I will add to our draft DNA page as well. Founding Mothers of Acadia - Acadian Ancestral Home, Quenneville=Kenville Acadian and Amerindian Ancestry DNA Project. Co-Administrators Terrien = Therrien What about her children? I have a few surnames in my family tree listed on your site. Native women did not use the title "Princess"[1]. Levi(e)n(e) = Lavigne Benoit = Benway Rousseau = Brooks Shontelle = Chantal Gingras = Jangraw, Shangraw, Buckwheat = Sarrazin Marielle Ct Gendreau If someone has both, Metis Nation and a known nation from another parent, both tags may be used. Gonyeau = Gagnon Co-Administrators acadian metis surnames - Boivin = Drinkwine Metis research adds a level of difficulty that some might find discouraging. Cloutier = Clokey/Clouckey There are frequent updates. Ive listed those surnames in black at the foot of this post. 3 (2017) : 1014. Thibeau = Teboh News and Reflections: "La Vieille Maison Wins $10,000 In Contest: A home dating back to Acadian re-settlement in Clare has won $10,000 in a national contest." They all came from the British-held region of Acadia between 1749 and 1751. Willet(te) = Ouellette, Yandow=Guindon Two Mtis organizations exist within the Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve, The Association des Acadiens-Metis Souriquois and the Eastern Woodland Mtis Nation. Trudo = Trudeau In Canada, native races (Aboriginal peoples) include: First Nations - the indigenous peoples of Canada, sometimes called North American Indians. Greenwood = Boisvert Launcto = Lanctt Index: Indigenous, Metis & Mixed-Heritage Surname Anchor Posts, Allan, Allen | BC First Nations, Cree, Metis, Micmac, Mohawk, Shushwap, Brook, Brooks | BC First Nations, Dennay / Dene, Haida, Malecite / Maliseet, Mikmaq, Saulteaux, Wyandotte. Lajeunesse = Young I have names and dates of my ancestry, yet I do not see our name added to the list? [ mtDNA Proven Origins]. Robitaille = Rabtoy/Robtoy Maurice Germain, "Genetic genealogy offers new avenues for the history of populations through the sustained development of powerful scientific tools. Boncoeur = Bunker, Goodheart Fisher=Poisson Stephen White reported Franoise [elided] had an H1 haplogroup, indicating European origins. Lang(ue)do(e) = Lanctt I hope someone will be able to help you with your query. (LogOut/ Each post below serves to organize the information that is currently scattered about the site. Giroux = Gero Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. General History However, we know that she was Gaspesienne. In French. Sheni = Chainey French_Heritage_DNA - Background | FamilyTreeDNA Santaw = St. Onge Longtoe = Lanctôt Grgoire = Grigwire Additionally, there are two other Maloney yDNA testers whose kits are on FTDNA, but have not (yet) joined the Quebec ADNy project. Drinkwater = Boileau I just kept digging and finally the dots started to connect, and these names became part of my familly.. Claude Crgheur (Added link to native americans naming page. Ind. Tremblay = Trombley Building on the work of academics Kim TallBear and Alondra Nelson, this practice is called aspirational descent. French-Canadian, Acadian, Cajun & metis surnames sites & bibliography Accessed DATE., CitationConsentino, Lucie LeBlanc, Administrator [ Mothers of Acadia mtDNA Project mtDNA Test Results] PAGE, Accessed DATE, Citation: [ mtDNA test results Quebec mtDNA Project], page X. Accessed DATE., Citation: [ yDNA test results], page X. Accessed DATE.. I also rely upon Mothers of Acadia and the Quebec yDNA and mtDNA projects. Brooks = Rousseau Brow = Brault Buckwheat = Sarrazin Bunker = Boncoeur, Goodheart Bushey = Boucher Buskey = Bousquet Butler = Bouthillier Button = Boutain, Boutin Chagnon = Shonyo Chainey = Sheni Chantal = Shontelle Charbonneau = Cole Charron = Sharron Chauvin = Shover Chicoine = Shequin Cinq-Mars = St. Mars Cir = Cyr Clokey/Clouckie = Cloutier Danis = Dany, Downey Acadian History:Mtis History:Acadian Ancestral Home Metis is one of several terms used to describe people of mixed native and European origin. The majority of these matches are descendants of Guillaume Capela and Unknown Mi'kmaq, others are descended from Francoise Michel-dit-Olivier, Catherine Duval, and Marie Olivier Sylvestre (Manitoubeouich) Prevost. Brazo, Brazot, Acadien, Cadien, Deslauriers, Duhamel, Gaudet, Langevin, Laniel, Desrochers, Desroches, Durocher, Lapierre, Laroche, Brosard, Brossar, Brossard, Brossart, Broussard, Duchesneau, Lafontaine, Langevin, Pontoise, Brouseau, Broussau, Brousseau, Brousseaux, Bruseau, Brusseau, Carrier, Duplessis, Laforet, Laroque, St-Antoine, Belhumeur, Bourbonnais, Dauphin, Lasabloniere, Ltang, Cahouet, Cahouette, Caouet, Caouete, Caouette, Campau, Campaut, Campeau, Campo, Campos, Campost, Campot, Bondy, Chevalier, Jacquet, Labont, Lefebvre, Mzire, Carbonau, Carboneau, Carboneaux, Carbonnau, Carbonneau, Carbonneaux, Carbono, Boutin, Chevalier, LHeureux, Leroux, Renaud, Theriault, Carignan, Carignant, Carignian, De Carignan, Deschamps, Desruisseaux, Dussault, Gauthier, Latulippe, Laviolette, Verret, Vidal, Cari, Carier, Cariere, Carri, Carrier, Carrire, Casavan, Casavent, Cazavan, Cazavant, Cazavent, Castongay, Castonguay, Castongue, Gastongay, Gastonguay, Chambellan, Chamberlan, Chamberland, Chamberlang, Champerlant, Chambrelan, Chambreland, Chambrelant, Andegrave, Aubin, Beaugrand, Dupr, Fontenelle, Foureur, Fugre, Gouin, Henault, Lalanne, Lambert, Laplante, Magnan, Orion, Rmy, St-Martin, Sylvestre, Tareau, Chapelain, Chapelin, Chaplain, Chaplin, Chappelain, Bourg, Guyon, Janot, Jolicoeur, Langoumois, Renaud, Chapeu, Chappu, Chapput, Chapu, Chapue, Chapus, Chaput, Belhumeur, Chapa, Cuisinier, Maurice, Senez, Chabonneau, Charbonau, Charbonault, Charboneau, Charbonnau, Charbonneau, Charbonneaux, Daunais, Deouatique, Hbert, Lveill, Martin, Sanscartier, Blondeau, Desjardins, Seigneur, St-Laurent, Chasteauneuf, Chatauneuf, Chateauneuf, Cartoneuf, Antaya, Desranleau, Dumontet, Meneu, Montauban, Pelletier, Beaulieu, Bernet, Jouinne, Normand, St-Germain, Chomedey, Chomedy, Dechaumedey, Dechomeday, Dechomedy, Chambly, Labont, Lapointe, Lariviere, Leonard, Beaupr, Blanger, Buisson, Daumont, Fagnan, Lessard, Magny, St-Amour, Beaudreau, Bouilleron, Brusseau, DEstreme, Fordet, Garnier, Hugues, Hujot, Janet, LaFontaine, Marc, Rousse, Rousseau, Royer, Barette, Berthelot, Breslay, Perrault, Rossignol, Thibier, Fris, Grignon, Languedoc, Lefris, Lilois, Beaumont, Deschnes, Desecors, Desilets, Desprs, Dupuis, Lafleur, Lepine, Lilois, Abraham, Baret, Billy, Cadieux, Desmarais, Herault, Lefebvre, Piette, St-Michel, Cousinau, Cousinault, Cousinaut, Cousineau, Cousino, Cousinot, Couzinaud, Babin, Bourgault, Corbin, Defoy, Fevrier, Gamelin, Hubert, Langevin, Lefebvre, Roberge, Thibodeau, Corteau, Crauteau, Crotau, Croteau, Croto, Crottau, Crotteau, Crotto, Cir, Cire, Cyr, Cyre, Sir, Sire, Siree, Sirre, Syr, Syre, Dagenais, Dagenai, Dagenes, Dagenest, Dagenet, Leprince, Lajeunesse, Lepine, Pigeon, Roux, Roy, Dalair, Dalaire, Dalere, Dallaire, Daller, Dallere, Dechaine, Dechene, Dechenes, Dechenne, Dechesne, Deschaine, Deschaines, Deschene, Deschenes, Deschennes, Deschesne, Deschesnes, Deletancour, Demousel, Languedoc, Paradis, Pelletier, Derocher, Derochers, Desrocher, Desrochers, Desrochets, Dehais, Dehayes, Dehays, Dehes, Deshaies, Deshayes, Beaudin, Charbonnier, Delboeuf, Louvard, Roy, Verger, Zacharie, Bertrand, Duquet, Houde, Jean, Perrault, Sevestre, Devau, Devaux, Deveau, Deveaux, Devost, Devot, Devots, Jolicoeur, Parisien, Perouard, Sanscartier, Deslauriers, Desprs, Dumontier, Dutilly, Guyon, Lemoine, Sansoucy, Bernier, Devidepoche, Jolicoeur, Moreau, Sansoucy, Guyon, Deroin, Derouen, Derouin, Droin, Drouen, Drouin, Breton, DeBlaignac, Foulon, Grossetete, Gueret, Lambert, Laviolette, Marchand, Poitevin, Aimar, Aimard, Aimart, Aymar, Aymard, Aymart, Emart, Haimard, Haymard, Hemard, Hemart, Deslauriers, Gosselin, Ladouceur, Poitevin, Belanger, Blais, Bourget, Clrinm Durivage, Lamadeleine, Lamontagne, Laprairie, Philippe, Pont, Lajeunesse, Lalancette, Laperiere, Larose, Montferrand, Raymond, Charon, Cloutier, Desrosiers, Dufay, Failly, Mandeville, Martin, Piette, Blais, Forget, Goddu, Granger, Labont, Mignault, Paquet, Farland, Ferlan, Ferlant, Frelan, Freland, Frelan, Barbeau, Benoit, Jean, Joli, Labranche, Larose, Lefort, Morin, Tessier, Tiriac, Bellefontaine, Lafortune, Lagrandeur, Paris, Plermel, Belleval, Desilets, Dufresne, Hebert, Lagrenade, Larose, Lesprit, Prfontaine, Vivier, Gagnion, Gaignon, Gangnon, Ganion, Gasnion, Galipau, Galipaux, Galipot, Gallipau, Gallipeau, Galypo, Gaudais, Gaud, Gaudet, Gaudette, God, Godet, Godete, Godette, Gaudereau, Gaudrau, Gaudreau, Gaudro, Goderau, Godereau, Godreau, Godro, Boisverdun, Brulon, Caron, Delaverandrye, DeVarennes, Frappedabord, LaFrance, Landreville, Larouche, Rabot, Saguingorra, St-Germain, Archambault, Beaudoin, Beausejour, Dupuis, Harnois, Houde, Houle, Parisien, Rivard, Servais, Talbot, Gamelin, Hubert, Jeangource, Rivard, St-Franois, Gerard, Geraut, Gerhart, Giar, Girardeau, Girard, Girare, Girart, Girord, Girore, Girouard, Giard, Guerard, Gyrard, Breton, Brindamour, Derain, Devorlay, Girardin, Jeanpierre, Jolicoeur, Larochelle, Miot, Provenal, Sanschagrin, Geroir, Gerroir, Giouard, Giroir, Girroir, Jirouard, Gaudain, Gauden, Gaudin, Godain, Goddin, Godin, Beausejour, Boisjoli, Catalogne, Chatillon, Felix, Lapoterie, Lauliere, Lincourt, Prescot, Tourangeau, Valcourt, Gaudrau, Gaudrault, Gaudreau, Gaudreault, Gaudro, Godereau, Godrault, Godreault, Godro, Godrot, Goodrow, Guibau, Guibaut, Guibeau, Guibo, Guilbau, Guilbaud, Guilbault, Guilbaux, Guilbeau, Guillebault, Guillbeau, Dion, Dionne, Gion, Guillon, Guion, Guyon, Gyon, Yon, Buisson, Desprs, Dumontier, Durouvray, Dutilly, Frenette, Lemoine, Abaire, Abare, Abbot, Ebart, ber, bert, Heber, Heberd, Hbere, Hebert, Herber, Herbert, Hesbert, Hibbart, Hubert, Beaumont, Couillard, Deslauriers, Jolicoeur, Lambert, Larose, Laverdure, Lecompte, Lenoir, Manuel, Henrichon, Jarry, Laforge, Lahaye, Neveu, Madore, Bellefeuille, Blosse, Bonin, Demers, Derousseau, Desrochers, Desruisseaux, Gervais, Houle, Leclerc, Desruisseaux, Durocher, Gervais, Lafranchise, Janson, Jansonne, Jeanson, Jeansone, Johnston. Mikmaq, Mohawk, Mont., Muncey, Ojib. The Mothers of Acadia Maternal DNA project conducts ongoing research to verify their origins. Riendeau = Yando . Scott | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, I Cree, Iroquois, Ojibway. People of Mi'kmaq descent (or any known or unknown tribe) may be known as First Peoples no matter how thin the blood goes down through descendants. French-Canadian, Acadian, Cajun & metis surnames sites & bibliography. Roy = King This was the first (1991) Acadian-Cajun resource site on the internet. Ethnogense des premiers Mtis canadiens (1603-1763) (dissertation)[ Ethnogense des premiers Mtis canadiens (1603-1763 thesis], Odet(te) = Audet(te) Contact the Profile Managers privately: Public Comments: Who issued the card? Loyer | Metis, Ojibwa, Mixed : Chippewa, Cree,Fr. Source: Could I somehow send you details? Laflin = Lafleur There are frequent updates. Cousino = Cousineau Murray, I am unfamiliar with the Quebec DNA projects. Boutain = Button When their Last Name at Birth is Unknown or not documented, they should be given the name of their tribal affiliation, in many cases that would be Mi'kmaq. | Reply. | Reply, Comment by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Some of the kits are managed by the project administrator, and are unlikely to ever appear in another group. Frappier = Frappiea I'll put them into the draft of the DNA page I sent you, as this page is for Acadian metis research. Tourangeau | Cree, Salteaux, Chippewyan,Metis. 684 members Join group About this group A group for Acadian Mtis, that is anyone descended from both Acadians and Amerindians. ZIP 94607-087. Cir = Cyr Comment by Sheryl Ann Wilson | Iroquois, Montagnais, Ojib., Saulteaux, Ledoux | Metis, American Indian, Cree, French, Lemire | Cree, Ojjibwa, Mixed heritage: Cree, French, Lepine | Cree, Iroquois Mixed: Cree, French, Scottish, Letellier / Tellier | Metis, Mixed: Cree, Logan | Metis, BC, Cree, Delaware, Mikmaq, Munsee, Onondaga, Seneca, Six Nations, Longlade, Langlade | Metis, Mixed-heritage, Louis | Abenaki, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Ojibway, Salish, Saultaux, Shushwap, Squamish. Denault = Denno The Association des Acadiens-Mtis Souriquois (AAMS) of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an Acadiens-Mtis organization; therefore, proof of Acadien and Aboriginal ancestry is required of its members. Required fields are marked *. A DNA genealogy workshop has been offered with his assistance since fall 2017 and a collaboration has been set up on the occasion of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the family of Louis Hbert and Marie Rollet. Gebo = Gibeau(lt) Boisvert = Greenwood Clokey/Clouckie = Cloutier We aren't trying to document all Gaspesians, New Brunswick or metis people. Grashaw = Grandchamps Now Through Feb 14th. Desnoyers=Hickory Hello Roger, Rondo = Rondeau Lemoine = Luman The list is limited to French colonies in North America and to couples created before 1800. Posted by James P. LaLone on December 16, 2010 at 9:47pm in French-Canadian Descendants. Mtis - (mixed blood). November 18, 2020 The center column (second column) contains spelling variations of the name in the first column, and only of that name. Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. Simard = Seymard A number of names on the list would be immediately recognized as Acadian names everywhere Acadians have settled. Dpartement d'histoire-gographie, facult des arts et des sciences sociales, Universit de Moncton. Such families, especially those who only settled in Acadia in the last quarter century before the disaster of 1755, are only identified as Acadians by documents concerning the exiles in Qubec, France, the British American colonies, the West Indies, French Guyana or Louisiana. There is also a name beside hers that I am assuming that it is her last name. Bourbeau = Bobo Phaneuf = Farnsworth The origin of our Acadian families, especially the oldest and largest among them, are but little known.