I finally had to stop reading this stupid article. Killers can plan all the details and alibis well ahead of the murder while cops must come up with hard evidence, even just to make an arrest. Probably by the jeans and the boots. Traupman claimed that when he reported the dispute, trooper Robert V. Egan III got mad and practically kicked him out of his office. If there was more talk about finding this .22 mm gun then that would solve all of this speculation. No way they laid there for 4 months!!!! Im dying. Women murder for all kinds of reasons, but the simple facts come down to this.there was physical evidence, the bullet wound matched that of the gun Pat owned, the hairs were Pats and at both scenes, and she had no alibi and she had lied to try and come up with one.and lets not forget the damning words she spoke to her 18 month old daughter that the officer had the common sense to document. The phone wire was located at the opposite end of the basement, which was dark. She wanted all men to give her attention but she couldnt have everyones attention, especially ANDREWS!!! Im sorry Sally, I know you want someone to blame for the death of your daughter and grandson, but the person who actually killed her is serving a life sentence in another facility in Pennsylvania. I think we need to realize that each dollar we spend or don't spend could have a serious impact on our society and our safety.". I had five children to take care of and it was costing me so much money to travel two hours Whoever writes this amateurish swill should get a real life, andsa real job. During the tour Alfey was able to slip away into a room that was made for a little boy. Lawrence Slaughter is currently serving a life sentence in Calipatria State Prison for the murder of Jerome Scott as well. Andrew told investigators that the unpleasant phone call between Joann and Patricia happened just three days before his wifes disappearance. And the point the hair in her hand wasnt tested was because they didnt need it since they had the killer shame on everyone who went along with that. I would bet MONEY that the first baby born to Patricia didnt die of SIDS. From what Ive seen its pretty obvious Patricia did do that to this poor woman and the baby. There was widespread speculation that the sisters were shot in an honor killing a practice in some cultures in which men kill female relatives who are thought to have brought shame upon their families. But none of those charges ever stuck. Shes still guilty, with her hands did it or not, in regard to baby Alex. I dont think so. Yassein Said, 59, is guilty of conspiring to hide his older brother, Yaser Said, as authorities sought him in connection with the New Years Day slayings. They did this case on Reasonable Doubt last night. Yes, documentaries probably do misrepresent evidence, and many may respond to that misrepresentation, but beneath that is jury judgment, and while courts can be wrong they are usually right. But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. The media love the femme fatale., FBI lab blunder. Thank you Kerry. Shame on your for defending a vicious killer. The LAPD alleged that Patricias motive was to get Jeromes insurance money, which had a value of $30,000. I believe this woman murdered Joann and Alex. Bully for you if youve read a lot and seen a lot: its meaningless to other posters and adds nothing to your argument for innocence. The hearing of the motion for reduction of felony to misdemeanor will be held Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 1:30 p.m. in the Riverside Courthouse at 4050 Main St. in Department 42. For this week, I looked into the defenders reasoning as well as Patricias whereabouts today. The defense also criticized Irving Police and federal investigators, claiming they did not properly investigate the case or look for other suspects. She didnt need to have owned all the guns she ever used, nor to have owned the gun she in fact used. . Quote if I had known I would get caught, I would never have brought you into this world. Pat to Nicole her daughter. The jury deliberated for three hours after Thursday's closing arguments. And remnants of what look like a baby rested on the mother. Said's defense attorney said he will be filing a notice to appeal. Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. Wouldnt that verify Troutmans claim that the husband was arguing with the victim, in a rage? The state police dropped him as a suspect. no blood, no finger-prints and no soil evidence it was as if the car had been wiped clean stated the attending investigating police officer!That itself has to be considered highly suspicious and cast doubt on the hair evidence which WAS found. She didnt kill those two boys and TX knows, but they made too much noise about it, hence this is probably the real reason that Darlie hasnt been put to death 24-25 yrs later. Andrew mentioned to police that his former live-in girlfriend Patricia Rorrer once managed a horse stable two miles from the bodies location and would have been familiar with the riding trails close to the murder scene. WebThe prosecution said Patricia wanted Jeromes $30,000 life insurance policy. Mother of Sarah and Amina Said calls Yaser Said 'the devil' after a Dallas jury found him guilty. The Irish-Italian girl had full, fluffy dark hair, olive skin, and a pretty face. They found several specimens but not a single one was a match. 2}Wo).hf}~g={g::y]peb78R,;>59_'cuB F4QyU&9G=#0 In TV clips, Andrew didnt come off as anguished. Yes, that doesnt mean shes unquestionably guilty, but it does mean her case has been relatively exhaustively examined (and its not over) and it means that your assertion that you are right and the guilty camp are wrong (and that this should be obvious) is absurdly overplayed. Anyone who thinks this psycho isnt guilty needs to take off their tin hat. The only record of a call from Patricia to the Katrinak household was on 12/7/94. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. I wonder, did they ever perform a DNA test on the baby, to verify paternity? Jenkins' assailant Patricia Prue was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on Friday after deciding to plead guilty the day before to charges of aggravated attempted murder, kidnapping and conspiracy. Of course, if he had info that only the perp would know Admission has long since been disregarded without corroborative evidence. Pat is locked in a cage because shes an animal. Phone records dont lie.) All this talk about hairs and other DNA just seems to keep deflecting away from the gun itself. What evidence is there she actually left the state? It says that Andrew reported the cut phone lines and broken pad lock was reported to the police at 10:30. Yaser Said had been on the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list since 2014 in connection with the fatal shootings of his daughters, 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said, on New Years Day 2008. His favorite rattle, shaped like a phone, lay near the crime scene. Yassein and Islam Said later helped hide Yaser Said in a home in Justin. In one entry, she writes that she has plans for people who have messed with her, and that "people will be surprised of what she is capable of," Caledonia County State's Attorney Lisa Warren said. To prove it 110% rather than just 99% I dont know why they wouldnt retest the hair fibers etc. Remembering Patricia Cole, former copy editor at NPR : NPR Another inaccuracy in this is, they state the jury took SIX HOURS to return a verdict, when in fact it took less than TWO HOURS. Detective Barry Grube found it odd that Andrew fixed the severed phone line before police examined it in essence tampering with evidence. She is the one who tricked them, first by Some people are just monsters. Joanns gun and beating wounds were obvious, but the baby died a less violent (but just as horrible) death with no clear signs. False. Check out ALL the facts if you feel the need to comment. Amina was 18 years old and was shot two times and Sarah was 17 Im quite happy to accept that ANYONE who makes a TV documentary makes it for money. . He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. I made the confession on tape that I had rehearsed with the LAPD, said Larry Wright. DALLAS Yaser Said, once listed as one of the most wanted men in America, has been found guilty of killing his two teenage daughters. A person tried in a court of law and then found guilty is not the be-all and end-all to the case. Search is on. The Free Patricia Rorrer page points to a sliver of a fingernail found at the murder site that didnt come from either Patricia or Joann. Jenkins at one time had hired Allen Prue to plow her driveway. The difference between the cases was that the child was not injured and the individual wrote down the details of the plan in a notebook, but otherwise it seems extremely similar to me. Its patently clear you are another of those who knows too little about this case. He wanted to move to Colorado and she was against it.. According to Marsicovetere, state programs should be focused on intervening to help those with mental illnesses at the earliest point possible. Why would somebody tell you, theyre going to fry me, if they didnt do it? Jarrett told Wrong Man. Yet they insisted in the trial that the call came in on the 13th. They need to test that hair from Joanns hand and also that broken fingernail. At the states request, the instructor wore a wire during a phone conversation with Patricia. She was born on Jan. 24, 1964, in eastern Pennsylvania and moved back and forth between there and Davidson County, North Carolina. so then using your contention, one who is deeply religious and sees God as being a factual figure is wrong? You started slinging insults, then got insulted when slung back. Why bother with this site, which isnt for professional criminalists/forensic scientists, if youre going to get so tetchy and rude? Patricia In recent years, she began to share key details about her past life in Pittsburgh to nursing home staff that led them to investigate. Despite the fact it has never been proved thats exactly how it happened, it seems to be accepted as fact it could just as possibly have been the other way round, beaten and then shot. They were people that knew her, not Andrew. From my point of view this is an extremely similar case, with less class and style, and without the luxurious details that Interpols case had, such as the involvement of an extremely expensive Alfa Romeo car, and a revolver bought at a lush auction in Paris, which had belonged to a duke before the incident. The series was produced by Joe Berlinger, who made the Paradise Lost documentaries, which garnered actor Johnny Depps attention and ultimately helped free the West Memphis Three. Her diary certainly indicates some disturbed thinking. She killed Joann, had a fair and impartial trial, so its time to get over it. Or did they? Instead, he hid for 12 years until the FBI found him in a relatives home in Denton County. "It's been a long time coming for the family and the community," Warren said. of course they all do it to make money only, some of them do it shamelessly, without the slightest attempt to be fair and honest. And for you to even ask why documentaries are biased, makes me wonder if you have the ability to determine fact from fiction! Three Strikes holds dying innocent woman behind bars: Justice for Very similar. And for you to even ask why documentaries are biased, makes me wonder if you have the ability to determine fact from fiction! In a million years, she wouldnt do anything to harm that.. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. I hope she rots in hell. I mean the husband did do some shady things maybe he was involved? Keep up your delusions. If you want to help her let her find peace by admitting her wrong and asking God for forgiveness. Both wanted to be doctors. They theorize that Andrew Katrinak framed Patricia and that the hostile phone call between Patricia and Joann actually took place not on Dec. 12 as Andrew said but rather on Dec. 7. There is pendency of DNA investigation for Routier. They released a poster of Joann and Alex, noting that the baby had almond-shaped blue eyes, weighed 18 pounds, and was circumcised. Id wanna be done with that shite quick too.. meh what do I know! On December 12, 1994, Joann answered a phone call from a woman shed never met, Patricia Rorrer, her husbands onetime girlfriend. According to court documents, Patricia Owens, the victims mother and Saids former wife, told authorities that her son and Yaser Saids brothers indicated support for the killings and were not cooperative with law enforcement. Prosecutors say a 911 call from the night of the murders proves that Said is guilty. Prosecutors offered Patricia a plea deal that would take the death penalty off the table, but she declined. Charles Robert, the 3-month-old son she had with Gary Gabard, died of sudden infant death syndrome; Patricia found him blue in his crib. Before receiving her final sentence, Patricia Prue, 35, of Waterford addressed the court saying that her biggest regret was not seeking help for her mental health issues earlier. The fact that Joanne was found with a hair clutched in her hand that was inconsistent with both her and Patricia (that they conveniently didnt bother to test). Thats all for this post. If you subscribe to Hulu and upgrade to Starz (theres a free one-week trial offer), you can stream the Wrong Man episodes about Patricia Rorrer. because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. The woman who was showing the home alleged that Patricia was involved in the theft. !) and detractors (This is another bs attempt to free a psycho). Janet Marcelin, a business owner, said the police had her rehearse and record a fake confession after intimidating and harassing her during the investigation. Andy did end up moving to Colorado with her and the last time I checked, they were still together. A lot of these documentaries feature most of the theories suggested by the cops and prosecution which were most damaging to her case, but not a single person to substantiate Rorrers side, or to challenge their versions. Patricia The police considered the possibility that Joann ran away, a theory disputed by her family. "Please do the right thing for Melissa.". The fact that Jerome was gay was left out of the trial altogether. "This was not a sudden or impetuous act on your part. Interesting thought about the alibi timing. But in October 1998, the LAPD established a cold case task force and reopened the murder case 17 years after Jerome Scotts death. She was falsely convicted of killing her husband when the Los Angeles Police Department reopened a 17-year-old cold case after coercing two witnesses to tape a confession pegging Patricia Wright and family friend Lawrence Slaughter as the killers. If Patricia had injuries it wouldve only been to her hands and she wasnt questioned right away which is also the reason she took Joanne elsewhere to kill her so her body wouldnt be found for a while and she would have time to return home. Look into it. As for the murder weapon, police didnt find a .22 caliber pistol on Patricias property, but an ex-boyfriend claimed that she owned one and it would always jam after one shot. Patty was soooo obsessed with Andy that she moved away to North Carolina some 5 years before this happened, right? Its barely visible in the picture. This woman was not innocent, but she is very good at manipulating people into feeling sorry for her.