The broken and battered buildings loomed over you like the remains of a shattered nation. Hes always holding your hand, or is touching you somewhere, it comforts him. Honestly, I dont think I can handle this type of mission right now. In the area around L'manberg I reply, knowing damn well he knows where we are. From what Ive seen theyre really good so far ;D, loved the techno fluff alphabet!! At first, I couldnt understand a word hed say, but now I know bits and pieces. How are they fighting? #philza Watching as she turned on her heels and walked away. But she wanted him back. Tommy, the lady has a point, Karl jumps in. I mean, you are paying more attention to that book, you mumbled. All he knows is he wants to live with you and spend his days with you, he hasnt really thought about the finer details like kids/marriage and all that crap. You were the happiest on earth and you gently stroked his tiny back. Schlatt: Back to Back. No Discord during our trip! He takes my phone again, placing it on the other side of him where I cant reach it. He wants to hold you but at the same time be held. Mien little mdchen is, The first thing you woke up to was a white blanket covering North Italy's grounds. But he thought she lost her last Canon Life, he snapped and blew up L'manburg. Okay, okay, meine Liebe, beruhigen, he said, using his mother language. Im so sorry my request ended up triggering you! U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? He feels like he's protecting you. Why are all of you so sad? The only think keeping you here is that you are keeping that monster locked up. Well chat, Tommy interrupts. He likes to lay his head on your lap. Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? This was a request from my Wattpad, Lyssa_ily. Y/n wiped at her eyes, turning back to the group. Both laying on your sides face to face. What happens when she wakes up to find her lover gone and a ghost in his place? So, youre releasing anger about using your abilities, by using your abilities?, Woah, sorry, geez! Shes everyones little sister unless its Wilbur then shes the love of his life). Or do they share everything? (Remember you can be as detailed or as vague as you want to! He nuzzled into her neck. Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. Alice C!Jschlatt x Reader--Short Oneshot As soon as she got passed the door tears fell down her face. I drop to the ground, rubbing my face. The beeping sound found its way into your head, it was anno, Why cant you just pick me? He was already bathed and now covered in a blue blanket. Nothing, throwing things at the wall is fun. K iss - Are they a good kisser? Tears threatened to spill. There you are, Schlatt lifted up his hand waving the empty bottle in her face, Get me more alcohol. Y/N pushed the bottle away. Give me that, get me this! N/n and I have to go. Y/n placing their head on his shoulder. Both laying on your sides face to face. You take your keys and head out, the pale moon engulfing the sky. Tommy comes up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. You were here for us when we needed a shoulder to lean on. thank you so much <33 i will be posting a technoblade nsfw later today aswell, i might work on the hcs or i might post a fic, idk which will come first since the hcs are fillers but i will do them! Completed discord dreamsmp dsmp +11 more # 16 Lullaby | quackity x reader by !! Hes her reason to stay alive even when things get tough. Yo Could I get a coffee shop au for Karl? He doesnt know he doesnt know that shes gone. I never zhought zhe day vould come.". Y/N worked with him. Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. Future Failure Hello! Hope you're doing well. Could I request DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID GET ME MORE ALCOHOL! Schlatt screamed. LUDWIG!!!!" He despised bitter nights like this with no mistake; even the gen, He did not care even to notice he wasnt alone until he reached the shore of the large town, a flintlock pistol resting in loose fingers, the grip easy and his expression calm enough that one could easily assume he had no fears about his place on the beach that night. Somehow, HYDRA had caught on to what Ive been doing. Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems? Withers had been spawned at his command and chaos had started. note: these are literally all the pictures that I collected making the other two that I didn't get the chance to use, but I really liked them, and I wanted them to be used, so I made this. He loves you alot! Nat looked up from the mission file, I cant do this one Captain. It seemed like he was reading your thoughts as before you even think of another he adjusted both your positions so that he lips were by your ear and with a slight roughness to his voice he whispered I love you more than anything could ever even begin to explain, God youre such a simp you lowly chuckled, trying to ignore the cluster of butterflies currently swarming your stomach full of jittery happiness. I huff, sinking into my seat, defeated. I hear a lot of, Ooo, coming from the boys still in the call. But to his surprise, he found Y/n laying on the couch, where Techno had left her. Have you heard the song on the walls? I ask, looking around at the signs I placed there when I had built this place. Hey mi Cario/a his tired lips uttered back, the ends of them curling upwards at your flustered state curtsy of his chosen pet name. The tower was supposed to be done forever ago. Releasing her he walked over to the jukebox. Look how pretty Y/n is!" he giggles and fixes his beanie. I cant get a good nights rest anymore! - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. Everything could be done tomorrow or the next day. A couple of hours later I find myself in the med bay getting my wounds treated when Peter walks in looking upset. Big Q has a habit of giving me nicknames but saying them in Spanish. Will was 20, fundy was 4 and y/n was 1. Every warm breath escaped his lips as a cloud of drifting, fading smoke, soft against the black sheet of the sky, obscuring his vision. They chuckled, "Quackity i'm covered in flour." He pulled her closer grumbling, "Don't care." He straightened up placing a soft kiss on their cheek. Y/n, I can see a building collapsing, and I heard Tonys call for backup. X OXO - Are they very affectionate? I promise. He sticks his pinky out for me to link with mine. Quackity would probably try the distraction method, asking if you want to play games or watch a movie, or if you want him to play you a song. Things pile onto each other and Y/n cant seem to find the strength to complete a mission, putting her life in danger. So I wanted to tell you since I found out today!" Through all the chaos, Philza made his way home. You loved it when he hummed or chuckled, especially when you could feel it resounding in his chest. Snapping silly random pics and sending them, hoping for silly stupid pics back to save, that and facetiming. What would the marriage be like? I decided to make my own fluff alphabet for hcs, based off of the smut alphabet by @fairy-tail-babes and the fluff alphabet by @magical-warlock. He immediately ends the stream, but doesnt disconnect from the discord call. You made your way over to your couch, turning on the television as you did so. Clich or rather creative? You werent even aware of what was running on the television, it was just there for background noise. I love you Quackity spoke. Okay, so I take a deep breath. Quackity like his hair! To our dearest Y/n, throughout all the years, we have been grateful for everything you have done for us. I could take care of myself! All I know is that I am about 15 floors underground and the building is currently falling. Surprisingly she smiled up at him with no worry. after talking about it with Ranboo, youre hyped to start your day!! She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. Also I got carried away with ideas so this is gonna be a full series called Espresso and Records! Bbh: The sweetheart cradle/head on chest. Only your husband, Ludwig was missing. Me being one of the only girls along with Niki has its perks. Phil, there was a saying, and god I havent heard it since it was said. reader) (pt 2), wilbur (tubbo's older sibling! A dishevelled looking Quackity wandered into the room, his eyes tired and droopy, his lips chapped but smiling. Ludwig you whined as you walked over to the said German who was currently sat on the sofa reading, you tugged at his black tank top but he just ignored you so sat on the sofas arm next to him before calling out his name again, Peter sits down on the bed, pressing a kiss to my head. Wilbur: Head on lap. In other words Ludwig really wish he didnt have the mind of a sex maniac. Let me finish zhis chapter, und zhen ve can cuddle, he said, reading his book once more. ~~~(Name) POV~~~ I laugh, at Tommys face. You looked up at the poster. Do they believe in them? Another click is heard signaling another person joining the comns. What is going on?. Here have some blue, he said. Its all gone! Phil yells, shaking me from my trance. He just comes up and full on lays on you. One piece hit my shoulder knocking me to the ground. In 1157 Henry the Lion, duke of Bavaria, granted the monks the right to establish a market where the road from Salzburg met the Isar River. Most of the buildings were finished, but the Eiffel Tower was . That I can't use. Anger covered his face, his eyebrows furrowing. Y/n could have deactivated it like she threatened so many times.. This place has to be perfect. You scowled, impatiently tapping your foot. You must be very interested in that book youre reading Y/n, Peter says before taking a sip of his water. reblog appreciated! He was so kind, yes he was still an asshole back then. Bringing the whole ceiling crumbling down. 44.2K 814 34 Yup, I do, Phil says with his arms crossed. hihi this is a Quackity x reader fanfic !! He has his boundaries, but hes willing to do a good amount, hed sacrifice his career. I mean, Im a Twitch Streamer for goodness sake. Hey! May you do either QUACKITY or Dream alphabet!! Can you build a fucking Eiffel Tower?" Safely!. Tommy, I whined, walking over to him and placing my head on his shoulder. "To finish your stupid fucking tower." You're coming backAnd it's the end of the worldWe're starting overAnd I love you darlingAnd I am done, dear. This is it, its over, I say reaching for the button. There arent a lot of Italians in Berlin at the moment and the curl was a big give away. I freed myself from Tommys hold and ran down the path to the crowd. Y/n is tended to by Philza and doesnt wake up for a couple of weeks. The snowflakes fell from the sky like weightless feathers, only to clump together on the crisp, frozen ground. Quackity looked up smiling placing one hand on their waist. I ignore every thought in my head that sounds like her voice. Phil, there was a special place where men and women could go. A look of worry, and guilt crossing his face. #punz Quackity spat. He likes to look at you. Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. You get both :D Glatt and I have picked 10 prompts/song lyrics each, to which you can choose one and a character and well write you a thing! Youre my son! There was nothing that needed to be done, or at least right then and there. I honestly dont care about Starks lectures at this point, throwing objects is fun. This causes you to laugh harder. Quackity has gotten way more hyper (somehow..) ever since you guys got together, on streams hes even louder and giggly, especially when you end up showing up. Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. Why didnt you tell me I was having you use your abilities too much? He immediately asks as he walks in. Either playing minecraft and annoying the shit out of you or blowing your phone out at like 2 am and being like hey bitch guess what? And what made you come to that conclusion? I ask back, trying to sound more confused than annoyed. Your shoes clicked against the ruined streets of Berlin with each step. He wanted to start over. You risked your life for all of us and made sure our lives were perfect. I cant read what they said because of your stupid Face ID, but I can tell that theyre worried.. He left his workplace as soon as he get to know that your son was on his way but he still got stuck in traffic jam and now he could be somewhere in his car and probably cussing. Alice C!Quackity x Reader: A Short Dance "perfect.". #callahan Hidekazu Himaruya [Is that the guy? But he did. Weeks had passed, and Y/n was slowly getting her strength back. after talking about it with Ranboo, youre hyped to start your day!! Seems that either he responded or someone else is pestering you on Pesterchum. yelled a little girl in a (f/c) sundress, with an odd curl sticking out of the upper right side of her head. "Can you stop that-" Sam started, monotoned. Your relationship is worth more than his career! Pass me that, would you? Peter asks, pointing to the cup of water on the counter. #quackity x male reader. Explosions ring out across the whole nation, some even flinging me across the room. So go check my masterlist, Orange - In Progress: Im currently writing it, Yellow - Complete: Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Red - Delayed: Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Pink - Queued: Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. Releasing her he walked over to the jukebox. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. But, Im an agent here, I knew what type of work Id have to do if I joined. M arriage - Do they want to get married? If he glanced behind himself he could still catch sight of his ship resting on the waters quite a distance away, although near enough that he didnt feel, thank God, abandoned. Just trust me N/n. Right after he said that I could feel my phone vibrate. Most people honestly would have lost any hope for finding it, lost all belief in the idea of true love, but not him. Like, he can be a real asshole sometimes! We have you cornered! The guard in the front called as I turned around and found a second group standing there. I looked over to see the chat spamming their ship name for us, S/n. Slamming his fist to the desk. hi! As I make my way closer, I see one of the short males turn to face me. IM SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK FOREVER FOR ME TO POST! I dont like that! Stark, maybeY/n should be given a break from undercover missions for a while, Steve said, glancing in my direction with a worried look. That is when he's sober. :], Karl would most definitely want to share his happiness of having you with his fans, and if youre ok with it, hell write little appreciation tweets for you <3, but if you dont want much attention drawn to you, Karl would be very chill abt it and respect you, this sounds clich but falling asleep on call, for example - you or him couldnt fall asleep and called the other to ask whats the best medicine to take to fall asleep but you guys end up chatting till 4am, if you fall asleep first, hell get real quiet and just enjoy the fact that talking to him makes you so calm that you can fall asleep, if you guys are facetiming, Karl will just stare at your peaceful sleeping face for a bit and then end the call with a grin on his face, the first times you were a bit shy and didnt show your face, just talked time to time, when you got comfortable, you turned on your camera on the discord call :], Karl was very happy to see you comfy with him and his fans, the chat are swooning and calling you very pretty/handsome/gorgeous. You hadnt actually thought that he would agree. She walked quickly heading for Schlatt's office. Im surprised you even finished it.. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly listening to rain before a ding interrupted you. History. Pass Me That, Would You? | Peter Parker. Karl, Wilbur, Quackity, and Sapnap with insecure plus-sized s/o . Quackity sighed as he looked at the blueprint plans in front of him. Fluff Alphabet with Quackity! - requests: closed! Make that the 21st if I can reach this stupid handhold that will allow me to climb further up, I say as I get ready for a running start towards the ledge. Shes gone and there is nothing I can do about it. Hes upfront about the relationship and he likes to brag! Fireworks ~ Quackity x Y/n Quackity x f!reader TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff Note: In 1st person. Quackity was going through an entire deck, flicking the cards closer and closer each time to see how close he could get it to Sam's face before the creeper hybrid would snap. You haven't even given him a name yet so you started thinking about the. ), precious pet (sapnap (and kinda dream team) (request)), it started with spilt coffee (george (request)), stargazing and picnics (sapnap (request)), hairdos and story time (technoblade (request)), do you want to know a secret? I pull out my phone, opening Discord to find absolutely no messages from my main SMP friends. And you want to just blow it all up? Phil asks, very cautiously. #minecraftyoutubers Tears were forming as Y/n read this. I just want to say that this scene has been living in my head rent-free. She walked quickly heading for Schlatts office. Rest in peace our friend. Damn girl, why do you have Discord notifications on? Tommy asks, turning on my phone screen. Peter is always asking me to do things for him with my abilities and Im getting sick of it! ), Remember the rules & who/what we write! I unlock my phone, finding that I had a message from Big Q. I look up, confused, but either way, I hesitantly reach out my hand to Tommy. The Casino was the highlight of Las Nevadas, next to the Space Needle. Y/N shivered slightly standing her ground. Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments. Nein. N/n? He tended to her healing wounds, and even though he wished he didnt need to, he told her what had happened. It was still a little crooked, but it would have to do. His office, located smack dab in the center of Las Nevadas above the Casino was illuminated by the lights. This is practically the same thing the Red Room tried to do. There was a huge house like tent with lanterns everywhere. I could also hear clicking from his end and yelling that sounded like him asking for his tracking password. Nein, of course not! Y/n was in the kitchen baking fresh bread. I didnt need your help, I say laughing and slightly shoving him backward. Chucking a hoodie clad arm around you he pulled you in closer and turned so he was laid on his back with you practically strewn over him. He nuzzled into her neck. You hadnt actually thought that he would agree. The book isnt going anywhere! you responded, turning back to him. So ill post it then :), Once again lol, Im the one who requested the Quackity fic. Ill have a mental breakdown. They actually made a get together. Technoblade: Spooning. I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. He didnt even look at her we she walked in. He quickly sits down next to me and covers my ears with his hands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. I highly recommend it for when youre doing literally anything. It was your good friend Dave that was bothering you. But it was said by a traitor who was once part of L'manberg, named Eret. "Oh whatever Y/n.". - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. Cw: use of Gods name (not sure if it needs to be here, but just in case ofc), just Quackity being a simp. #dreamwastaken Yup, just peachy, but just as the words leave my lips, one end of the pipe breaks off the wall, leaving me dangling. Oh god, Y/n what happened to you? Philza asked as he rushed to grab healing potions and bandages, before kneeling by her unconscious body. Thats when he turns back to face me. He gives me a small smile and pulls me into a hug. Dreams of ruling a great country. Bye!. cuddles with quackity quackity x reader - where's my hair? Over, and over, and over, and over again. He had a saying, It was never meant to be.. (Requests for this event are: OPEN! Lately, Bad Touch was all you ever thought about. Just thinking, she replied, turning to face Techno, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. There is a lot of TNT, potentially connected to that button, he reminds me, gesturing to the button on the wall. Lets go before we miss the party. With that, he pulls me up and begins dragging me to the front door. C!Jschlatt x Reader-Short Oneshot. Its 16 hours long and full of amazing songs that will help while you write or do school work. Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. Not to mention writing everyone reacting to her dying, (Everyone loves Y/n, it doesnt matter what side of the fight shes on. They didnt know how shed react to seeing this new version of her lover. Hey, whats more romantic than you coming to my rescue? I respond sarcastically. His face was angry as he sat back down in his chair. How am I gonna explain everything that has happened?. And trust me when I say youll not be happy with that! Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast. Quackity is a good kisser, even when you first met him, you were kinda surprised. Note: In 1st person. TG: how about you and me go for some ice cream tomorrow and drop sick beats like the, You lie on your bed, looking at the ceiling. What did you say to them? They were a national phenomenon. , he said, using his mother language. and if you dont want to talk, hell understand and remind you how much he loves you <33, hes a bit more private when it comes to his love life, (if youre comfy) just like Ranboo, youre wearing a mask and glasses on his streams :]], the chat loves the chaotic neutral couple vibes you two are giving off, Ranboo sometimes makes some jokes about getting a divorce with you since he wants to marry Tubbo, and sometimes its the other way around! I hold on, momentarily forgetting my fear. I kept hoping that Id hear her voice behind me, telling me that I was being stupid. They were currently your obsession. I was running for my fucking life. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly . See, the boys are very protective of me. (see the dream team & co. through my eyes! Y/N flinched trying to stand up straighter. You had 3 weeks to complete that essay and you put it off until the night before. Do you really want to take that risk? Phil asks me, I can hear the hope in his voice that I wont take the risk. Fuck, I mumble under my breath as I feel the tension in my shoulders. Im so fucking stupid, I knew better than to leave my room at that hour. They are fighting out there! I cry. Techno quickly made his way to her, pulling her into a tight hug. As you lied strewn across the sofa of your small apartment, you could see buckets and buckets all of water pouring down outside. Glatt: he/it 18 Blade: she/they 19 (icon by cinnipup on insta! Do they love to kiss and cuddle? Sam said, equally annoyed. "Exactly y/n, you start with your heading, you say dear and then the person you are talkin. TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff. Plus, I know how pretty I am." you smirk and start laughing. Also, it doesnt really mention it but Y/n is around Quackitys age (just wanted to say that so you didnt get confused). Theyre both really good :D - Blade, Request from the lovely @inkyynki ! But as she went to thank all of them, a ghostly voice made her freeze. [CH] : Hey! I swear, Im gonna kill this boy if the overuse of my abilities doesnt kill me first. He looks from me to the watermarks on his shirt, and back again. I gasp as I recognize the face, freezing when I recognize all the faces in the crowd. Yes! Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. Ludwig bookmarked his page and set it down on the table near. Consider yourself lucky." I bite my tongue as my mind races with replies that would not end on a good note. Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship. Quackity: The face to face. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. Quackity - Freeform; Quackity x Reader; mcyt x reader - Freeform; x Reader; Summary. Feel free to check that out if you feel like it. He finally looked up at her scowling. #lmanberg Oh wow, Purpled this is amazing, she whispered as she made her way up to the plaque so she could read what it said. I meant to post this months ago but i forgot about it and it has sat in my drafts ever since. He always believes in you, and he is willing to do anything to help you. I definitely question my choices lol, I have so many drafts that I need to finish! Turn that off! Secretly, he enjoys that you have larger wings Not only does it mean warmer hugs, but they're soft enough for cuddling When he is on the receiving side of affection, he'll be stubborn at first but melts into it eventually Rubbing his head into your shoulder as your wings tuck around you two